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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Super Star Destroyer Executor Mk.1 (Fondor version) position in the Galactic Empire - Tier List

Discover what type of Tier is the Super Star Destroyer Executor Mk.1 (Fondor  version).


Total War 3 playing with Krayt Empire gameplay Ep5 - Star Wars Empire at War.

Watch the fourth episode from a full walkthrough playing with the Krayt Empire faction the Galactic Conquest Total War III against the Galactic Empire, Rebel Alliance,  Black Sun, Separatist (CIS), Galactic Republic, the Chiss Ascendancy, the Corporate Sector, the Hapes Consortium, the Hutt Cartel, the First Order, the New Republic (Resistance), Fel Empire/Galactic Alliance, the Confederation and the Galactic Alliance (with the Imperial Remant).

Super Star Destroyer Executor Mk.1 (Kuat version) position in the Galactic Empire - Tier List

 Discover what type of Tier is the Super Star Destroyer Executor Mk.1 (Kuat version).

The Cerberus Heavy Battlecruiser position in the Galactic Empire - Tier List

 Discover what type of Tier is the Cerberus Heavy Battlecruiser.

Star Wars Battle of the Underworld -- Errant Venture & Pulsar Skate vs Black Sun forces

The Errant Venture commanded by Boster Terrik engages Black Sun forces over the orbit of Narshadda, the smugglers moon, this time escorted by the Pulsar Skate from Mirax Terrik.

Chiss Jer'jo vs Black Sun Super Star Destroyers -- Star Wars Battle of the Dreadnoughts

The new Super Star Destroyer from the Chiss, the Jer'jo test its weapons against the powerful Executor class from  the Black Sun.

Chiss Fleet (Jer'jo SSD) vs CIS Fleet (Malevolence) -- Star Wars -- The Clone Wars

The new Chiss Super Star Destroyer, the Jer'jo commands a complete fleet agains the Malevolence and a complete CIS fleet.