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Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Fulminatrix Attacking Taris Space

The second version from this massive mega star destroyer joins the Fulminatrix battlegroup.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023


Few time ago I made a poll about how name the new ship similar to the Praetor MK.2 but from the Republic. Now you can discover what name won the survey and the final design from that ship.

Monday, August 28, 2023

What can be this new ship?

In the Ahsoka episode 2, we have watched a new amazing ship with a strange design. It is what I think about it.

Sunday, August 27, 2023


The second version from this massive mega star destroyer joins the Fulminatrix battlegroup.

Why the fighters behaviour is bad? -- How to improve it?

The Fighters and bombers behaviour by definition in the EAW is bad. They tent to follow their targeting priorities and at the end, you can see how fighters are attacking capital ships or bombers are attacking pure fighters. But how to improve it? here I present an improve from a previous solution used in units as the command ship.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Help me to design two new fleets in the Star Wars Disney canon universe

With your suggestions and comments we can design two new fleets from the new Disney canon universe. It is not neccesary canon ships, just ships that they could be inside this universe. Do not be surprised, Disney use the same method to use old ships from the Legends with just a few additions.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Why is a new ship?

I analize one of the last new additions in the Star Wars universe.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The MASSIVE Mon Calamari Cruiser made after Endor

The Mon Calamari 104 is one of the biggest ships created by the New Republic shipyards, discover it now with all the features added in the Star Wars Empire at War Alliance Rebellion.

The Fulminatrix Fleet attacks Ithor!

Moden Canady, Captain of the Siege Dreadnought Fulminatrix with its powerful escort fleet attacks the never recorded planet of Ithor. One of the few planets from the Legends that you can find in the new canon.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Friday, August 18, 2023

Why this Epic Space Battle Shouldn't be Forgotten by THE NEW REPUBLIC

The New Republic had taken positions over the Tangrene orbit but a fleet from the new First Order Interdictor Star Destroyers has arrived to expulse them.

What's New in the Alliance Rebellion? August Mayor Update

Playing a massive battle over Byss, I review the last additions from the update released one week ago.

Why is it the most logic option for this ship?

Discover now what I go to do with the new heavy battlecruiser from the Republic and check the poll about the names in the community section here

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Battle of Ships - Tubulent vs MC90 - IMPROVED! - Star Wars - Empire at War

Again the MC90 vs the Turbulent Star Destroyer IN A NORMAL COMBAT but this time with the last improves added in the last update released today. There are three rounds and the final is more updated.

Battle of the Super Weapons -- Star Wars

The Eclipses I Fleet vs The Eclipses I Fleet.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

ISC vs Resistance MC80B MK.2

Another battle of the Super Ships. The Imperial Star Cruiser against a Resistance Mon Calamari Cruiser 80B MK.2. A battle between ships from the same class.

Friday, August 11, 2023

First Order ISD II vs Resistance MC80B//Star Wars -- Empire at War

Another battle of the Canon Ships. A First Order Imperial Star Destroyer MK.2 against a Resistance Mon Calamari Cruiser 80B.

How IMPROVE the Hutts Cruiser I #starwars

How can I improve this unit? I analize several changes and I explore the new possible units for the Hutt faction.

Star Wars: Hutts Cruiser I Interdictor - Ship Breakdown

Take a complete look in the Hutts Cruiser I Interdictor , watch a comparation with another ships from Star Wars, discover the complete description and stats from the ship, take a look in the weapon positions, their firing arcs and the watch a cinematic 3D.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Star Wars: Hutts Cruiser I - Ship Breakdown

Take a complete look in the Hutts Cruiser I, watch a comparation with another ships from Star Wars, discover the complete description and stats from the ship, take a look in the weapon positions, their firing arcs and the watch a cinematic 3D.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

How would you name to this Heavy Battlecruiser? #starwars

This is my new proyect, the creation from a new unit with the great model or part of the design from LordPoncho/Barlex with several additions. A ship for the Galactic Republic, a Heavy Battlecruiser. However I do not know how I can name it. Do you have a suggestion? anyway, I speak inside about all the idea, options and more.

The Fulminatrix second try attacks Lah'mu & Mygetto #starwars

Moden Canady, Captain of the Siege Dreadnought Fulminatrix of the First Order and old commander of Star Destroyer Solicitude of the Imperial Navy receives the baptism of fire attacking the Resistance forces above Lah'mu and after it assaulting Mygetto.

The Fulminatrix attacks Lah'mu

Moden Canady, Captain of the Siege Dreadnought Fulminatrix of the First Order and old commander of Star Destroyer Solicitude of the Imperial Navy receives the baptism of fire attacking the Resistance forces above Lah'mu.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Friday, August 4, 2023

Star Wars Coruscant Mission old and new

Watch and compare the old mission with the new mission.

Battle of the Canon Ships -- Star Wars

The Imperator Star Destroyer engages in combat 6 CIS Ships, 3 Munificent Frigates and 3 Recusant Frigate. Watch the battle without fighters and with them.

Star Wars Super Battle and Taking a look in the new Galaxy reScaled

A new Super Battle but with the addition after it from a view of the new galaxy rescaled.

Star Wars: Admiral Senn's Last Stand

The Admiral Senn carry again another Super Battle.

Thursday, August 3, 2023


I explain at detail how and what variants I can do from the All Terrain MegaCaliber Six (AT-M6), also known as the Gorilla Walker or First Order Heavy Assault Walker.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

First Order AT-M6 - Breakdown #starwars

Take a complete look in the All Terrain MegaCaliber Six, watch a comparation with another vehicles from Star Wars, discover the complete description and stats from the ship, take a look in the weapon positions, their firing arcs and the watch a cinematic 3D.

First Order Offensive! -- Star Wars -- Ep 5

Playing the new First Order at War Galactic Conquest in the last Star Wars Alliance Rebellion version.

First Order Offensive! -- Star Wars -- Ep 4

Playing the new First Order at War Galactic Conquest in the last Star Wars Alliance Rebellion version.