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Encyclopedia-Rebel ground heroes

    • Field commander

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: Low
    • Abilities: Take covert-Deploy reinforces
    • Description: Terrestrial commander who provides 25% of bonus to the health in combat and increases the visibility of all the units in any terrestrial clash in which it takes part.

    • Ghost team

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: Sprint-Capture Vehicles (Hera)/Jedi Mind Trick-Saber Throw (Ezra)/Jedi Mind Trick-Force Push (Kanan)/EMP Burst-Capture Vehicle (Sabine)/EMP Burst-Sprint (Zeb)
    • Description: A team of Rebels formed by Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, Garazeb Orrelios, Sabine Wren and Chopper.

    • Ahsoka Tano

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: Force Attack-Force Sight
    • Description: Ahsoka Tano is a jedi master from the old jedi order times. She was trained by Anakin Skywalker and she survived to the order 66.

    • Cassian Andor and Jyn Erso

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: Remote Explosive-Detonate Remote Explosive (Cassian Andor)/Remote Explosive-Detonate Remote Explosive (Jyn Erso)
    • Description: Both form a spy and sabotage team from the Rebellion.

    • Han Solo and Chewaca

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: EMP Burst-Sprint (Han Solo)/Capture vehicles-Sprint (Chewaca)
    • Description: Smugglers' partner that cover the galaxy on the sly stealing credits and causing ravages in the field of battle.

    • Leia and C3PO

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: Sprint-Bribe Enemies
    • Description: Princess of Alderaan and secret leader of the Rebellion. Under her control the efficacy in combat increases and the expenses of production diminish.

    • Luke Skywalker

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: Launch saber-Stealth
    • Description: Earlier he was a young farmer of Tatooine, but the Jedi teacher Yoda trained him to turn him into the first of a new generation of Jedi Knight.

    • Lando Calrissian

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: Bribe enemies-Sprint
    • Description: Ancient smuggler and friend of Han Solo, Lando Calrissian is an expert commander of battle and an excellent manager with whom all the expenses diminish notably.

    • Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: Confusion of force-Protect units
    • Description: Jedi Knight of great power thanks to the light side of the Force. He can recover health and protect his Allied Forces.

    • Jedi Master Yoda

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: Reveal terrain with the force-Force attack
    • Description: Yoda was a Jedi Teacher and was a part of the Jedi Council before the fall of the Republic. He has been hiding from the Emperor since the end of the Clone Wars.

    • Corran Horn

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: Stun-Deploy reinforces
    • Description: Corellian pilot joined Rogue Squadron after the Battle of Endor. Corran Horn is an excellent driver from security forces so that Corellia is also a good soldier on the ground.

    • Mirax Terrik

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: EMP Burst-Sprint
    • Description: Mirax is as his father a great smuggler many times working for the Rebel Alliance, hauling freight for his good friend Wedge Antilles.

    • Booster Terrik

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: EMP Burst-Sprint
    • Description: Booster Terrik is a Corellian smuggler known father of Mirax Terrik. As she has excellent relations with the commander of Rogue Squadron Wedge Antilles in addition to some incredible skills to find all types of material that might be needed at the best price.

    • Tycho Celchu

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: Stun-Deploy reinforces
    • Description: Born in the destroyed Alderaan, Imperial Army deserter after learning of the destruction of their world, is an excellent pilot who has participated in numerous battles from Hoth through the Battle of Endor and more. Among their training emphasizes Rebel infiltration between enemy units thanks to his knowledge Imperial.

    • Kyle Katarn

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: Sprint-Thermal bomb
    • Description: Imperial ex-commando that deserted and joined the Alliance after discovering that the Empire had arranged the death of his father. Kyle is turned in the use of many weapon and explosives.

    • Jedi Kyle Katarn

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: Launch saber-Force beams
    • Description: Imperial ex-commando that deserted and joined the Alliance after discovering that the Empire had arranged the death of his father. Kyle is turned in the use of many weapon and explosives. Kyle discovered his force powers and he joined the new jedi order under the command of Luke Skywalker and now he is one of the most powerful Jedi Knights of the New Republic.

    • Kam Solusar

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: Launch saber-Reveal terrain with the force
    • Description: Kam Solusar is a disciple of Palpatine who he left the dark side to join Luke Skywalker in his fight against evil. As a Jedi Knight has great potential. In the space normally flies in a stolen Howlrunner the Empire, a fast ship, well armed.

    • Kir Kanos

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: Stun-Sprint
    • Description: As Carnor Jax, Kanos Kir Imperial Guard was responsible for the protection of Emperor Palpatine but with a sense of serving his master well above normal. After the betrayal of Jax Carnor swear to destroy the Imperial Council and the entire conspirator. Although not part of the Rebel Alliance, its goals are similar to what is sometimes known actors working alongside rebels.

    • Mirith Sinn

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: Bribe enemies-Thermal bomb
    • Description: Known agent of the New Republic versed in the creation and control of rebel bases in enemy territory. This versed in all types of combat and is an excellent fighter with a great hatred for the Empire which destroyed her old life.

    • Jedi Mara Jade

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: Launch saber-Force beams
    • Description: Mara Jade was raised under the tutelage of the Emperor Palpatine and trained to turn into one of his special agents, the so-called Hands of the Emperor. With the fall of the Empire and re-arising from the Jedi it has changed edict and although it does not have an active role in the New Republic as it happens with Talon Karde, Mara is always one more power in the Rebellion.

    • General Garm Bel Iblis

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: Shield flare-Deploy reinforces
    • Description: Garm Bel Iblis is one of three charter members of the Alliance. He stole the battle platform Gargantuan from the test facilities of the Empire.

    • General Dodonna

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: Bribe enemies-Deploy reinforces
    • Description: General Dodonna is a veterened commander of fleet whose experience in combat goes back to the Clone Wars. Between his skills they emphasize that of detecting foibles in the enemy and of increasing the morality in the battles between fleets.

    • General Rieekan

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: Launch orbital bombardement-Deploy reinforces
    • Description: Field Commander known for improving the yield of the small forces and for escaping of the worst pitfalls.

    • Jedi Generic

    • Resistence level: High
    • Firepower: High
    • Abilities: Recover units health-Protect units
    • Description: Defender of the Republic, trained use of the light side of the force. The Jedi Knight is an excellent pilot and he can use the force against the enemy. In ground his knowledge of the side of the light allows him to recover friends and his use of the light saber turns him into a deadly fighter.

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